Exploring mental health awareness day
A great introduction to mental health through an assembly focusing on famous people with mental health issues from pop stars, scientists, footballers, musicians, world leaders, olympians, composers, authors, television personalities and people closer to home. A fabulous mindfulness and meditation…
Mental Health Awareness Day
We've been marking World Mental Health Day at St Stephen's with a special assembly and lots of other activities and class discussions.
Spellings for the week ahead. Next week the spellings will be tested on TUESDAY 15TH OCTOBER due to our trip to Dearne Valley.
Mystery Matrix
Applying known facts to solve problems and build Year 6 resilience. There was plenty of maths talk and ‘light bulb’ moments.
Super Sentence Spectacles
This afternoon we have been using a super sentence spectacles to check our sentence writing. We wrote a sentence in our books and then put on our spectacles to check for capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Thank You!
Mrs Bonnar put the FINAL sticker (number 300) on our Aldi wallchart this morning - THANK YOU for your brilliant response. But keep them coming please - we have ANOTHER one to fill!
Bikeability Week
Building on from last week's bike maintenance course the children will be undertaking their cycling proficiency course. The children will hopefully progress from stage 1 to stage 2 which will be completed the following day. Good luck everyone and don't forget your helmet.