Parental engagement can be a powerful lever for raising achievement in schools and there is much research to show the value of schools and parents working together to support pupils' learning. 

When schools and families work together, children have a far better chance of not only being successful in school, but being successful in life. They learn the importance of respect, responsibility and relationships.

At St Stephen's, we aim to:

  • communicate fully with parents to ensure parents and staff all have the same purpose in mind to fully meet the needs and monitor the development and progress of the children

  • fully involve parents in school life and the school community

  • operate an Open Door policy to encourage two-way communication between staff and parents

  • work co-operatively with parents to ensure high standards of care and academic achievement for all our children

  • provide an inclusive environment for all parents and children, regardless of need, background or culture

LPPA Policy

Updated: 28/02/2023 67 KB