

At St Stephen's, we aim for a high quality curriculum which will inspire a natural curiosity and fascination about the world and its people which will remain with them for the rest of their life; to promote the children's interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth's key physical and human processes. It should help to provoke and provide answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world and deepen their knowledge and understanding about the world and their place in it.


Geography Policy

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Statutory Requirements

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Long Term Planning

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Geography Road Map

Golden Threads

We have identified a set of key geographical concepts or 'golden threads' which our children will repeatedly revisit throughout their time at St Stephen's. Our golden threads are: location, place, climate, maps, change, settlement and our world.

Vocabulary and Sticky Knowledge

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Progression of Geographical Skills

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Knowledge Organisers

Map Skills


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Year One

Why does the weather change in Kearsley?

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Year Two

How does Zambia compare with where I live?

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What are continents and oceans?

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Year Three

Just How Powerful is the Earth?

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What can we learn from looking at a map of Mexico?

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Year Four

How does the world change around me?

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Year Five

What journey does a river take?

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Year Six

How important is trade to the United Kingdom?

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Why should rainforests be important to us all?

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Pupil Voice

Our children think Geography is:


Geography Fieldwork

We have, for over twenty years, taken our Year 5 children to Grasmere on a Geography field trip. The children make comparisons of the two localities of Bolton and Grasmere, by completing traffic and land-use surveys. The children also apply their growing knowledge of rivers and mountains by following Easedale Beck along Easedale Tarn.

Useful Websites

Oddizzi Geography Resources For Primary Schools

World Geography Games Online - Let's play and learn Geography! (

Google Earth

Mapzone | Ordnance Survey