Friends of St Stephen's School (FOSSS)

The Friends of St Stephen's School is a registered charity supported by parents, grandparents, relatives and parishioners.  They meet regularly in school to plan fundraising events to generate additional money for the school.  All the money raised is used to purchase items which enhance our children's education. The School Council and staff discuss ideas and offer suggestions to FOSSS on the resources they might like to buy.  Some of the things they have helped us with are:


  • Contribution to a new Reading Scheme

  • Purchase of new Planner and Reading Record for every child

  • Waterproof clothing for Reception Class outdoor play

  • Subsidising Year 6 Leavers' Celebration events


Each year, FOSSS organise a Summer Fair which raises a fantastic amount of money for school resources. The day always proves a huge success for adults and children alike with plenty of stalls and games to keep everybody entertained. 

They work hard to help us and are always looking for new members to help them.  If you would like to join them at the next meeting or can offer any help at events, please contact us at school on 01204 333642.


Up and Coming Events

Watch this space.......