...and sleep
After an incredibly busy half term the children ( and Year 5 team ) are ready for a well deserved sleep. I can't believe how much we've managed to pack in...Scarecrow Festival, Harvest Worship, our first residential and field trip to Grasmere where it rained for 27 hours solid, bike maintenance,…
Our spellings for the first week back. We have now split the children into two groups, white and green. The colour group match the paper the spellings are on. These groups can change depending on the children's scores and their spelling in daily written work. Thank…
Greater than, less than and equal to
This morning we have been practising using the symbols <, > and =.
Update on Dearne Valley Residential
EVERYBODY slept well last night. This morning it's aeroball, laserquest and problem solving before getting the coach home.
Dearne Valley 3
After a morning of orienteering and abseiling, Year 6 are spending the afternoon taking part in nightline and archery before glamming up for tonight's disco. Another good day.
Being Creative in Year 1
We have been thinking about the word ‘creative’ today and sharing our talents with our friends! Mrs Lomax is very impressed with how creative we all are and has enjoyed looking at our arty, modelling, Lego and writing creations