Spellings for the week ahead - to be tested Thursday 14th November.
Air Raid Shelters
As part of our WWII topic we are making air raid shelters as part of D & T.
Pointillism Painting
Today we have been working in the style of our artist, Georges Seurat. Can you tell what we are making?
Tomorrow is the day that if your child did not pass in the first round of bikeability that our facilitators will be coming back into school to reassess. The children know who they are, they will need to bring their bike and helmet into school to take part in this.
Number Bonds and their related facts
Today we have beeen using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to make our number bonds to 100.
Top Table - Top Guests
Another Friday - another great set of guests at Top Table! Well done to last week's Star Award winners.
Hot Seating
We are taking on the roles of characters from Horrid Henry and answering questions this morning in English.