Famous People from the Past
Look at how amazing our historical fact files are!
Collaged Self-Portraits
This week we have been learning about famous self-portraits. To end the week we have turned our own photograph into a collaged self-portrait.
How many ways can you make 10?
Today we are working with a friend and using our ten frame to see how many different ways we can find to make 10!
Tesco Ted
Look who has visited us today, Tesco Ted! We have been finding out all about how Tesco are supporting Manchester Children’s Hospital.
Scarf Workshop
Today we have had a special visitor who has been teaching us all about being a good friend. We really enjoyed meeting Gerald the giraffe and asking him questions.
Identifying Materials
Today we have been working with a friend to identify different materials around us. We have then been looking at how these materials are used and what can be made from them. Why not ask us about what we found?
Welcome to Year 2!
Welcome to Year 2!
We hope you have all had a lovely summer and are ready for the challenge of Year 2.
We will continue to use Dojo for any important messages, but be sure to check here to see what we’ve been doing!
Today we had our Christingle service. Normally, we all go to church but this year Rev'd Kim sent us a special video and we held the service in our classroom. Even though it was different to normal, we had a lovely time and thoroughly enjoyed lighting our candles.
Making our Christingles
This morning we've been very busy following instructions to make our own Christingles.
Look how amazing they look...
Shem and Abraham
Today we added two more stories to the Jesse Tree, Shem and Abraham.
Why not have a listen to both stories on School Story on Dojo.
Thinking of Others with Hearts for Homes
Today we spent time thinking of people who might be in care homes or on their own for Christmas. We've made some very special messages for Mr Puckey to deliver with the House Captains during the last week of term.
Can you spot anyone you know?
Year 2 have had another fantastic day learning about famous people from the past. Today we've met Roald Dahl, Emmeline Pankhurst, Neil Armstrong, Sir Matt Busby, Cleopatra, Sir Isaac Newton, Margot Fonteyn, Anna Pavlova, Marie Curie, Bobby Moore, Queen Victoria and Maya Angelou. Why not ask us…