2 October 2019
Lighthouse Keeper Challenge
Year 6 have started the ‘plan’ phase of their DT topic. Lots of discussion and some interesting designs have arisen. We are looking forward to the next phase ‘do’.
1 October 2019
Be smart on the internet
We have been looking at different ways to keep safe whilst online. Ask your child about how they keep themselves safe.
30 September 2019
Harvest Worship
This year, Year 5 will be leading our harvest worship over in school. Everyone is invited to come and join in our act of worship this Thursday at 9am in Church. I would like to thank you in advance for your kind donations of non perishable food for the local food bank .
27 September 2019
Using Our Senses
Today we have been writing sentences about our senses. We wrote what we could see, hear, touch, taste and smell.