4 October 2019
Poetry recital
Year 4 did a fantastic job reading out their poem about WWII to the whole school.
4 October 2019
Poetry Recital
Year 1 did a fantastic job of performing our rhyming poem this afternoon!
4 October 2019
Top Table - Top Guests
I ALWAYS enjoy Top Table but this week was particularly good. Great manners and great company. Well done to last week's Star Award winners!
3 October 2019
A bumper harvest
Thank you for your kindness., your wonderful gifts will now be dispersed throughout our local community to those most in need.
3 October 2019
Harvest Treats!
Year 1 are ending our RE topic on Harvest with a delicious treat! Over the last few weeks we have found out all about how food around the world is grown and harvested. We are experts on pineapples, chocolate and bread now!
3 October 2019
Spellings for the week ahead - to be tested Thursday 10th October.