Preparation for our feelings poem
Excellent vocabulary extension from our emotionally intelligent class. Next week we'll be getting in touch with some of these feelings as we work to create a masterpiece like Emily Dickinson and William Wordsworth.
Spellings for the week ahead - to be tested Thursday 26th September.
Rugby rebels....
Raising the profile of PE with our expert rugby tuition
Labelling body parts
This afternoon we have been labelling body parts. We have drawn a picture of our body on a piece of paper and used some of our topic words to help us write to the labels.
This afternoon we have been writing labels. We wrote labels for things we could see around the classroom and stuck them on. We then thought of words for each other that would make them feel nice.
Maths Talk
Lots of maths talk today to develop our reasoning and problem solving.
Spellings to be tested on Monday 23rd September. Don’t forget to write a sentence for each of your spellings.