Image of Tudor Estates Homework
11 January 2016

Tudor Estates Homework

I have set the children the challenge of creating their very own Tudor house model ( at home) using an empty cereal box or something smaller for our class display. The children have designed their house in class. Please could all models be presented in class for Monday 18th January.

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Image of Mega Maths Champions
11 January 2016

Mega Maths Champions

Well done this weeks high scorers. Come on lads, it's a team effort I hope to see some boys next week!

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Image of Year 1 Gymnasts!
11 January 2016

Year 1 Gymnasts!

Look at some of our fantastic gymnastic poses! Can you think of any more at home?

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Image of Can you make the scales balance?
11 January 2016

Can you make the scales balance?

As part of our learning we have been using items from in the classroom to try and make the scales balance.  It was very tricky!

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Image of I Went to Pieces in Assembly....
11 January 2016

I Went to Pieces in Assembly....

This morning's assembly was all about the Family of St Stephen's and how EVERYONE (staff, governors, children, parents) has a part to play. Without every single piece in place this school wouldn't be as successful as it is. Thank you for the contribution YOU make - long may it…

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Image of The Effects of Gravity!
11 January 2016

The Effects of Gravity!

Today Year 5 were testing the effects of gravity, as part of our 'Forces' topic. They were given a marble, a ramp (ruler) and a tape measure to carry out a fair investigation.


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Image of Robots
11 January 2016


Here we are in the Computing Suite using our skills to create a robot of our very own. 

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Image of Getting change...
11 January 2016

Getting change...

This morning we got changed into our PE kits for the first time. We do really well and when it was time to put our uniform back on it took us 18 mins and 14secs. I wonder if we can beat that time next week? Fingers crossed.

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Image of Balancing Scales
11 January 2016

Balancing Scales

Today we are starting to learn about mass.  We have been using the balancing scales to find what what is heavy and light.

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Image of Governor Day
8 January 2016

Governor Day

Yesterday our class governor, Reverned Kim, came to visit us.  She helped us to start making our own Percy models and this morning we got to finish them.  We hope she comes back soon to see our finished work.

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Image of Dining in Style at the Top Table
8 January 2016

Dining in Style at the Top Table

Always a great way to end the week - joined at the Top Table by our Star Award winners. Cheers!

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Image of Handwriting Blog Star
8 January 2016

Handwriting Blog Star

Look at this brilliant handwriting.  It definitely deserves to be our blog star this week.

Well done Kody!

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