Image of Mrs Hughes has been spotted...
7 January 2016

Mrs Hughes has been spotted...

This morning we were very excited to FaceTime Mrs Hughes in New Zealand. She told us that it was night time there. Fingers crossed we will FaceTime again on Monay.

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Image of Governor Day
7 January 2016

Governor Day

Today our Year 5 Link Govenor, Mr Turner, came into school. The class council gave him a guided tour of school then he sat during a class council meeting.

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Image of Our Link Governor Gets Stuck in...
7 January 2016

Our Link Governor Gets Stuck in...

Mrs Smethurst, our link Governor, came to visit us this afternoon. She enjoyed joining in with our maths session as well as sharing in some of our independent learning. 

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Image of Governor Day
7 January 2016

Governor Day

Our Class Governor, Mr. Grant, visited us today and told us lots of exciting things. We can't wait to see him again when he helps us on our school trip later this month.

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Image of Learning Logs
7 January 2016

Learning Logs

We have been looking at our learning logs today and think that they are all fab. Thank you for all of your hard work.

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Image of Roman Numerals
7 January 2016

Roman Numerals

This week in Maths we have been learning to read Roman numerals to 1000. Can you write the Arabic number for CXLVII? Can you write 995 in Roman numerals? Use the image from our working wall to help you.




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Image of Class Governor Drop In
7 January 2016

Class Governor Drop In

Today our class governor, Mr Hall, came in to see us. He had a look at what we have been doing in Maths and English and is looking forward to coming on our trip to Chester!

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Image of Governors Open day
7 January 2016

Governors Open day

Throughout the day our school governors will be 'dropping in' to see the school in action and spend some time with their 'Link Class'. Our governors have a crucial role in ensuring that the school continues to offer high quality provision for all pupils. Check out the Class Blogs on the school…

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6 January 2016

Don't forget....

If your child brought their PE bag home for the Christmas holidays please could it be returned for Friday so that we know they are all back ready for our PE lesson on Monday morning. Over the weekend please help your child to be independent with their dressing and undressing.

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Image of Percy Stories
6 January 2016

Percy Stories

Today we have started to work on our new display.  We have all been writing our very own Percy story.

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Image of Strutting Our Stuff!
6 January 2016

Strutting Our Stuff!

We are dancing with Miss Johnson from Kearsley Academy this afternoon... 

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Image of Dance Stars
6 January 2016

Dance Stars

We have really enjoyed our first danced lesson.  We warmed up and stretched our muscles before beginning to learn a new routine.  Miss Moss is looking forward to joining in next week!

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