Image of That Friday Feeling....
15 January 2016

That Friday Feeling....

The end of another busy week at St Stephen's. We like to work hard and play hard (especially Year 6 in the football yard - just outside my office window). At least the rain has stopped for a while but the children's dream of snow hasn't come true - YET. Have a good weekend.

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Image of Special Delivery
14 January 2016

Special Delivery

Today our new books from the library service arrived.  We had lots of fun looking at the front covers and guessing what might be inside.  We realised that they are all about plants and animals so we think they might help us with our topic work. 

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Image of Church Assembly
14 January 2016

Church Assembly

As part of our very strong links with St Stephen's Church, Reverend Kim Lafferty conducts regular school assemblies - both in school and at the church. This morning the whole school  joined Reverend Kim in church for morning worship.

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Image of Friends
14 January 2016


Collaborative pic collage and SEAL ( Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning)

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Image of Cyber Café
14 January 2016

Cyber Café

Following our visit to 'Crucial Crew', we are using CEOPs 'Cyber Café' to ensure that we Have the knowledge and skills to stay safe on the Internet! 

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Image of Mind boggling mass
14 January 2016

Mind boggling mass

Amazing use of facts and reasoning to complete this challenge. Well done Julian.

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Image of Well done...
14 January 2016

Well done...

We remembered the new day for library books is Tuesday!

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Image of Pic Collage
14 January 2016

Pic Collage

The children used the pic collage app to create their own individual creations, searching for images, applying text and images, resizing and taking photographs. Try it out at home, they loved it!

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Image of Stop Motion!
14 January 2016

Stop Motion!

This morning we had a first look at stop motion animation. We used equipment from the classroom to create our own animation. It's a very long process but definitely worth the effort!


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Image of More Strange Places for Reading!
14 January 2016

More Strange Places for Reading!

Look at these funny places for reading, in Daddy's wardrobe and at rugby training!

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