G & T's All Round
We took two of our Gifted & Talented gymnasts to a special training session at Bolton Gymnastics Club this morning. The girls represented the school really well - even when tumbling through the air with amazing agility!
RSPB Workshop
On the Tuesday the 26th January the class will be venturing out into the school grounds as part as our RSPB workshop regardless of the weather. Could everyone bring into school a pair of named wellies and a plastic bag (for the dirty wellies) so we can really get back to nature.
Peer Mediation
Year 5 participated in their final peer mediation session today. Some of them will soon start to put this into practise on the playground.
Spring Has Sprung!
It's official! Spring has arrived at St Stephen's - the first daffodils of the year made their appearance over the weekend. The week ahead looks like another busy one - we've a student teacher joining us in Reception Class for the next fortnight, a couple of Governors meetings and a class trip to…
Handwriting Blog Stars
Well done to Aidan and Anya for their fantastic handwriting this week! Miss Clegg was right to be very proud.
Top Table - a Great Way to End the Week
When the Star Award winners join me for lunch the weekend isn't far away!
1666 Careers Day
We asked the question " if you travelled back to 1666 what job would you have chosen?" We collected the data and analysed it by comparing results. The most popular appears to be a scullery maid. Some children even opted for a gong farmer!
Successful Spellers
Well done to our super spellers, Lewis, Nathan, Jake, Robyn, Astrid, Connie, Tayla, Aidan and Libby B and a special mention to our most improved speller Jack!
Maths Challenges
Miss Moss has set us a challenge. Some of us had to use our times tables knowledge to recreate a multiplication grid. We worked together to place the jigsaw pieces into the correct place on the grid.
Another group were working on their calculations. They calculated some rather difficult…
All ideas welcome!
In our Eco meeting we talked about the problem of traffic on Bent Spur Rd. We have contacted Bolton Council and they have asked us write a letter explaining the problems and a few suggestions to ease it. So if you have any suggestions please either write a letter or draw a picture and send it in…
Snack time!
Encouraging independence this morning at the snack table. Cereal was a huge hit!!