A proud moment
Wow, I'm speechless so many awesome mega maths winners this week... Katie, Davy, Libby S, Ruby D, Jayden, Cayden, Lewis, Connie, Robyn, Astrid, Lola, Nathan, Aidan, Olivia, Isabelle, Jake and Tayla!
Algorithm Writing
The children are now putting their computing knowledge of coding into practise by writing an algorithm to make the motor move. Do you know what an algorithm is? Ask Year 5 if you are unsure.
Constructing a Seesaw
The first Junior STEM task of the day is underway - constructing a seesaw. This will help the children to know that levers allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.
Moneyville Maths
I have now added the financial capabilities game to our learning wall. Don't worry if your child can't remember their previous login, just simply join as a new user and make a note of your childs new user name and password. It has been updated too and is available as an app if you can't access it…
Wonderful Word Boxes
Well done to our successful duo who have now completed all of their word boxes. Keep it up, applying this knowledge to help develop your fluency in reading.
Top Table Diners!
Always a great way to end a busy week - being toasted by last week's Star award winners at the Top Table. Well done!
Wellies Required (part 2)
The children will need their Wellington boots for our RSPB workshop on Monday.
Reader of the Week
Thank you for all your efforts, reading daily with perseverance!
Sumdog access codes
Use the link on our learning wall to directly log into Sumdog using the codes sent home tonight.
Careful cursive handwriting
Well done to this weeks handwriting blogstars.
Spelling success
Congratulations to all our high scorers in this weeks spelling test. We'll done to our most improved speller too.