Handwriting Blog Stars
Look at Miss Clegg's handwriting blog stars for this week, well done!
The Magnificent Seven
Once again I was joined at the Top Table by last week's Star Award winners - entertaining chat, excellent manners and FOUR choices of dessert!
Playing in Parts
This morning we have played a song in 3 parts. We read the music ourselves and listened back to a recording of our final performance of the morning. Mr Lasan, Mrs Hall and Mrs Raisbeck were very impressed!
Feeling 'Brassed Off'? Try This!
The usual Friday Feeling gets even better when the Year 4 Brass Band belt out a few tunes! The children have made fantastic progress over the year thanks to the expert tuition of music teacher Sam Minshall (ably assisted by Mrs Hall) and they will soon be ready to perform at one of our Friday…
'Uniform Day' at St Stephen's
To celebrate St George's Day (tomorrow) all pupils (and staff) who are members of Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs or Scouts donned their uniforms. And very smart they look too!.
Soaking Up the Kearsley Sun....
The first hint of sun and the sunbathers are out in force - not a bad way to spend some of your lunchtime!
It IS Rocket Science!
St Stephen's have managed to get hold of some of the seeds that Major Tim Peake took up into space recently (thank you Mrs Stott). We're taking part in a nationwide experiment to see if space travel has an impact on how well the seeds grow. Every class will be responsible for checking on daily…
Come on in...
Over the past few weeks the Eco team have been very busy planting and weeding in the garden. If you get to school early in a morning or wish to have a quiet reflection at the end of the day, pop into the garden and enjoy the peace and tranquility of nature.