Catalyst Museum Trip
Yesterday, we had a fantastic trip to the Catalyst Museum in Widnes. We took part in a science investigation in a real science lab and then had lots of fun looking at the exhibitions.
When we had arrived, we went to the science lab. We learned all about roacksalt and its uses. We then talked…
It's Friday - It's Twelve Fifteen - It's Top Table!
Once again, I dined in style with last week's Star Award winners - cheers!
Mid Morning Music
I always enjoy hearing the Year 4 Brass Group (tumpets and baritones - that sort of thing) and NOT just because it reminds me that it's nearly Friday lunchtime and the weekend is just around the corner. They are sounding good and to my (admittedly untrained) ear they sound ready to perform for the…
Growing Space Seeds
Today is day 17 of growing our seeds from outer space. We found out that 52% of them have started to grow. We also had lots of fun whilst we were out in the Eco Garden.
Open Air Theatre
St Stephen's HAS got talent! Some of the children were practising their dances on our open air 'stage' at lunchtime and drew quite a crowd.
Building Relationships
Our SEAL theme for this term is 'Relationships'.
During today's lesson we played a game which made us consider how it feels to 'feel left out'. We then played the name game in which we had to give and receive compliments. It made us all feel happy knowing that we are all important to…
RE Quality Mark - It's GOLD!
We were visited today by an assessor for the RE Quality Mark. Having looked at a wide range of evidence (books, displays, photographs etc), spoken with a group of children (they did us proud by the way) and discussed the teaching of RE with Mrs Savage (our RE Lead) - the assessor judged the school…
I Can See Your House From Here!
Just thought I'd share this aerial view of the school and surrounding area with you. Can you spot YOUR house?
Year 1 Maths Work
This week we are busy working on finding a fraction of a shape and of a number.
Last Friday's Top Table
I apologise for the late arrival of this blog. I had an enjoyable lunch with the Star Award winners but then completely forgot to post the photograph!
Do Plants Really Need Water?
This is the question that we asked ourselves this afternoon. We are hoping to find the answer to our question when we come back to school after the long weekend.