Now THAT'S Dedication!
Despite torrential rain, Mr Williams and Miss Clegg were determined to put the children's eco-artwork (mosaics made from recycled bottle tops) on display outside the Eco Garden. (I took the picture from inside a very warm and dry Year 5 classroom).
ECO Garden Open to Parents
We're leaving our ECO Garden gate open at the start and end of the school day - why not take the opportunity to wander in next time you're dropping off or picking up? You'll be amazed at how the children have transformed the space!
Giant Frog Spotted in the Playground
Yes - the Gardening Club have been busy again! Recycling old tyres and brightening up the school grounds at the same time. The children really enjoy all our ECO activities and they are having a big impact on our school environment.
Paddington's Marmalade Sandwiches
Today we received a very special letter. Paddington Bear needed our help. Mrs Brown had forgotten how to make his favourite marmalade sandwiches and he needed our help to tell her what to do. We all worked on making a marmalade sandwich and then made instructions for Mrs Brown.
We had lots…
Welsh Dragon Poems
This afternoon we have looked at our dragon poems that we completed as homework last week. Some children attempted to write limericks, others wrote acrostic poems and some braved an attempt at free verse. We read them aloud to our groups and some then read them to the class.
Units of Time
To start today's lesson of converting between units of time, the children were asked to raise their hand when they estimated a minute had past. It was harder than they realised to be exact!
Year 1's Beavers
To help us celebrate St.George's Day we wore our Beavers uniforms.
Don't we all look smart!