My Favourite Night of the Year!
It's the last Friday of the school year - that can only mean one thing - it's the Year 6 Leavers' Pizza & Bowling Night. Several staff accompany the class to enjoy a slice of pizza and a game of ten pin bowling. It's always great fun including the fierce sporting rivalry between Mr Lasan (reigning…
Arty Golden Time
We have really enjoyed using the new art resource box!
International Top Table
Today's Top Table had a double helping of Year 6 pupils and a Mexican! Well done to our Star Award winners.
Mexican Day
Don't we look amazing! A huge thank-you to everyone who has made our special day a success. We have had a wonderful day
Quick reminder- Can Y6 be back at 6pm for production and all other KS2 at 6:30pm for production. Many thanks- let's make this the best yet!
Quick reminder- Can Y6 be back at 6pm for production and all other KS2 at 6:30pm for production. Many thanks- let's make this the best yet!
Quick reminder- Can Y6 be back at 6pm for production and all other KS2 at 6:30pm for production. Many thanks- let's make this the best yet!
Quick reminder- Can Y6 be back at 6pm for production and all other KS2 at 6:30pm for production. Many thanks- let's make this the best yet!