Terrific Tortoises
An excellent display of drawing and paint techniques inspired by Llewellyn Xavier.
Multiplication Assessment
We are finding out if we all know our times tables...
Assessment sheets will be coming home for parents to see tonight.
Even Time for Number Bonds
This afternoon we have been busy on the bikes and trikes and in the Eco Garden. We still found some time though to do some work on our number bonds,some of us even painted them!
Having Fun in the Eco garden.
Whilst we were busy exploring in the Eco Garden Mr Williams showed us that something special was hiding in the polytunnel. Can your child remember what it was?
Another Good Day at the Office
The smooth start to the term has continued - school looks good - inside and out.
Cave Paintings
This afternoon we are using the iPads to research cave paintings before we create one of our very own.
Our Favourite Things
In our SEAL lesson this afternoon we talked about our favourite things and compared what we like with others in the class.
This Week's Spellings
Coming home tonight and the be tested next Tuesday.
The Hard Work Has Begun!
Year 6 are hard at work already with an important year ahead of them.
Class Novel
The class are discussing will Danny's dad be saved? Will he get out of the pit?