A Gloriumptious Day
Throughout all the maths and English and art today there's a Roald Dahl theme running.... Look out for the wonderful hall displays when you're in school for the Parents Information Evening (THIS Thursday - 7 o'clock). The very positive start to the year continues - only one hundred and eighty-four…
Junior Twit
This morning we have been doing some Roald Dahl style writing. We have added our own character to the story and written a description of them.
100 Years...
We are celebrating 100 years of the genius that is Roald Dahl!
All Things St Lucian
To support our learning in Geography about St Lucia if you have any stickers or packaging from bananas please could you send them into class this week as we begin to explore the country that inspired our artist Llewellyn Xavier and also ourselves to produce these masterpieces.
Year 1 Library
Monday will be Year 1's library day. Please ensure that your child has their library book in school on a Monday so that we can either change or renew it. Thank you.
Moving and Grooving!
Today we were introduced to the 'keep fit' song and busy bee activities. I wonder who will remember the moves for tomorrow?
Groovy Measuring
We have been measuring our height and feet this afternoon so we can find out how much we grow throughout the year.
I Want To Ride My Bicycle...
We have been working with British Cycling in P.E. this afternoon.
Place Value
This morning we have been representing numbers in different ways. Mrs Hall used Base 10 to represent a 4 digit number to see if we could write the number she had represented. We then challenged our partners to see if they could recognise the number we had created.
Where is Grasmere?
Today in Topic the children did some research to locate Grasmere on a map of the British Isles.
A Tricky Maths Expectation
Please help your child to improve their maths with this tricky maths expectation. All children are expected to read and write numbers to 100 in figures and words. Opportunities for this type of learning crops up everywhere, please grasp every opportunity to help your child conquer this objective.
Let Your Little Light Shine
A great start to the term. Have a good sleep and get ready to let your light shine for our first full week in Year 2.