We spent some time this morning looking for examples of acute, right and obtuse angles.
Half-Termly Assessments
This week we will be undertaking our half-term assessments.
They will be coming home with your children, please take the time to look through and discuss them with your children, before using the as revision materials later in the year.
Thanks for your continued support.
We are being evacuated!
This afternoon we are making identity labels and gas mask boxes in preparation for our trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelters on Wednesday.
Look what we found....
When we came to school this morning we found a footprint. We tried to guess who it belonged to. Then we went on a hunt with some magnifying glasses to see if we could solve the mystery.
Mondays Mega Maths Masters...
A monster effort by everyone. Well done Year Two.
Friday 20th October is Pirate Day
Don't forget that the last day of term is our Pirate Day and your child can turn up to school dressed in their best pirate gear.
Mega Maths Monday
Tomorrow the children will attempt their first mega maths challenge. Last week each child came home with their challenge to work on. The children will now attempt it in class. When the children have gained full marks on three occasions ( in school) they will then move onto the next challenge. Each…
As part of our enrichment activities, some of Year 1 have been having fun playing Bingo!
Paired composition work this afternoon using our notations, for those not in choir.
St Stephen's School Choir
Every Friday afternoon, the hall is filled with song courtesy of the children in the School Choir (all sixty-eight of them!).They sound great as I sit in the office and it's a great way to finish the week.
Top Table - Top Guests
Well done to last week's Star Award Winners - good manners and good appetites!
Mrs Robinson's Readers of the Week
Well done William and Lilly for being awesome and consistent readers.