Clay, paint and oil pastel in ‘Art Attack’ enrichment this afternoon.
EIGHT Stars and a Head Teacher
There was no room for me at Top Table this week - we had eight Star Award winners so my job was to be Wine Waiter - red or white madam?.
Learning Log
Your child will be coming home today with a Learning Log on Space. Instructions are provided but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask next week.
Your child will need to bring their Learning Log into school on Monday 30th October so it can be presented to the class. We…
Spelling for this week
Spellings for the week to be tested Friday 20th October.
Here we are playing class Hit The Button. This game is brilliant at helping you to learn your times tables. Why don't you play it at home?
Spellings for the first Friday back (3.11.17)
Due to pirate day next Friday our spelling test has been moved to the first Friday after half term.