This morning we are finding all the features of newspaper articles in preparation for writing our own.
Please don't forget that tomorrow is Year 1's library day. All children will need their books in school. Thank you.
Professor Henry Jones
What an afternoon! We received a letter today from Professor Henry Jones of the Society for Historial Archaeology in London telling us about a mysterious object buried somewhere in the Eco-garden. When we went to investigate we discovered, to our amazement, the skull of an sabre toothed tiger! We…
On the park
What a great way to end our trip to the Library. We had lots of fun moving in,on and around the playground equipment.
Poetry Recital
Check out our children reciting their poems, for National Poetry Day, in assembly this morning on Twitter @ststyear6.
Ask your children all about it.
Computing Tasks
Lots of different tasks, to test our computing skills, on Scratch this afternoon.
Scratch Coding IT Lesson
Creating our own moving scenes and characters using the Scratch program.
We are working on Scratch again this morning with our computing expert Mr Choudry.
Mental Maths
This morning we have been playing a game with dice to help us add and subtract numbers mentally.
Thank you
A huge thank you to everybody who sent in Sainsbury's vouchers. They have enabled Year 5 to buy a planetarium and projector which will make our Space topic next term extremely exciting.