A new half term begins...
This term is another busy term packed to the brim with lots of different learning experiences. Miss Khurshid will be joining the Year 2 teaching team and will be developing her skills as a teacher whilst she is on placement with us. She will be working alongside the children initially getting to…
A pack of pirates singing sea shanties
A fab day... thanks for all your support. Have a great half term.
Touchstones Museum
We had a great time learning about the Stone Age at Touchstones Museum in Rochdale.
Year 4 Learning Log
Your child will bring home their Learning Log, The Blitz, for this half term which will lead into next term's topic. Please can your child complete and return their Log by Monday 30th October. They may do a Power Point presentation, Fact File, Poster or any other method they may wish to…
Homework for the half term
The current list of spellings for testing on Friday 3rd November. The Learning Log is to be completed, to present to the class, on our return on Monday 30th October.