English Experts
This morning Year 4 are working hard learning about fronted adverbials.
The Blitz
Year 4 completed a learning log over half term and created some excellent models for our topic on The Blitz.
Multiplication Assessment
We have undertaken an assessment in multiplication.
The sheets will be coming home tonight, please take time to look at these and see if your child can improve in any of them with a little help from home too.
If they have full marks, could they improve their recall time?
Thank you for…
Earth and Space
Look how good our display on Space is so far and we're only two days into the new term! The children have been very creative.
Welcome Back!
We're back! The second half of the Autumn Term has started well - all the children have settled back into the school routines - all we need now is for our kitchen to be finished! What I can tell you is that the total raised from our Sunday Ramble for Children in Need has passed the £600 mark -…
A new term equals a new challenge
We will be exploring materials and their properties through the use of the Fantastic Four. We will also link our artwork to superheroes too. On Monday we will begin with a quiz identifying superheroes through their siloheuttes (this is a sneaky peak) before trying to create their own using Modroc.…