Cool coordinates
We are playing a game this morning to help us understand and plot coordinates.
Repeated Addition
Today we have started to learn about repeated addition. We worked in groups to make 'lots of' and then worked out the total.
Enrichment - Construction
It was great to see children of all ages working together and getting creative with our construction kits during Friday afternoon's Enrichment session.
Enrichment - Computing
Just look at the concentration on the faces of children in Computing - one of our Friday afternoon 'Enrichment Activities'.
Top Table
Well done to last week's Star Award winners. I enjoyed your company at Top Table.
Enrichment - The St Stephen's Egg Off
The STEM enrichment activity today - who could protect the egg the best? Two winners pictured on the right. Lots of fun had by everyone!
On Monday we will be going outside, as part of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, to see what birds we can find and count them. Please can every child bring a pair of wellies into school as they could get muddy! Thank you.
It's time to be creative
This week I am challenging the children to create a tudor building based on their research about the Great Fire of London. The building will be used then in a 3D display in the classroom which will support the children's writing around this topic. This home based activity has been one of theā¦
Wellies after the weekend please
Please ensure your child has their wellies in school on Monday as we embark on our whole school bird watching activity in support of the RSPB.
New spellings for Friday 2nd February
Old, cold, gold, hold, told, find, kind, mind, behind, people, move, prove, improve, everybody.
If your child is struggling learn the words that follow a pattern (approximately half)