Shape Dectectives
Today we had been looking at and investigating 3D shapes.
Lunch with Prestolee VIPs.
The School Councils from St Stephen's and Prestolee met for lunch today. They had a tour of the playground and the Eco Garden and shared ideas for improving playground activities and resources. Our children were perfect hosts and the Prestolee children were perfect guests.
Late Lunch!
Apologies to all my guests on last Friday's Top Table. The eight Star Award winners desreved to have their photograph published straight away - but I forgot. Better late than never!
Maps & Atlases
We are locating ourselves, Greece and other countries this afternoon.
Reading Records
This note will be coming home in your child's reading record this week.
This morning we have been applying our knowledge of unit and non-unit fractions to make pizzas.
Mega mathematicians
This morning we are using all our fractions knowledge and solving word problems.
PE Kits
Please ensure your child has their full PE kit, including pumps or trainers, in school everyday.
Red Cross
We are doing a ‘Refugee Workshop’ with Derek from Red Cross.
Ask us all about it.
Smarties In Year 6
And some confectionery too...
All in the name of Maths.
Narrative Writing
Year 5 have been working hard to create fantastic settings and describing their character the 'mallodile'. They are now combining all they have learnt and are writing a narrative. Who will be the next budding author?