Image of Jesus the Teacher
30 January 2018

Jesus the Teacher

In R.E the children are looking at some of the Parables and are thinking about what Jesus wanted people to learn from these stories.

Each group has a different Parable to look at and re-tell in their own words.

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Image of Real Life Maths - Measuring
30 January 2018

Real Life Maths - Measuring

We are working out the perimeter of our room and comparing it with others.

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Image of Bird Watch Monday
29 January 2018

Bird Watch Monday

We DIDN'T see any parakeets in Kearsley but we saw lots of other birds today. All classes went on walkabout (most of them managed to dodge the rain) to gather data for the Great British Bird Watch. Why not ask your child what they saw.

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Image of Roman Roads
29 January 2018

Roman Roads

This afternoon, in topic, we have been developing our map reading skills and finding Roman roads. 

Ask us if we can remember any of the routes they made! 

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Image of Birdwatching
29 January 2018


Here we are looking for as many of our feathered friends as we can.

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Image of What Size Parachute Will Fall the Fastest?
29 January 2018

What Size Parachute Will Fall the Fastest?

Year 5 are busy carrying out an investigation involving gravity and air resistance.

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Image of Been Birdwatching
29 January 2018

Been Birdwatching

As part of the Eco work we have been birdwatching this morning.

Some wet and cold twitchers returned.

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Image of Big bird watch
29 January 2018

Big bird watch

We have been out and about this morning completing our big bird watch. We have seen some interesting birds. 

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