Reasoning - Symmetry
An interesting investigation...
Ask the children all about it.
Mathematical Reasoning
Below is a great link to an article with games and simple activities to support your child's mathematical reasoning.
Simply copy and paste it into your browser to take a look.
Thank you for attending our parent and child activity session
Thank you to everyone who attended our workshop after school today. Don't worry if you didn't make it this time as I am hoping to host another later on in the year for another topic. If your child hasn't yet finished their tudor house challenge could you please complete it over the weekend and…
Tomorrow is the NSPCC fundraising day...
Tomorrow we will be collecting your kind monetary donations to send the NSPCC to support their invaluable work with children. The children will be creating their very own number badge in support of this aswell as participating in lots of mathematical challenges throughput the day. Thank you in…
In the hotseat
We have been hot seating this afternoon. The children have been in character as different Romans.