Roman board games
This afternoon we are designing and creating Roman God and Goddess board games.
Spellings for Friday....
Why not take a look at the Nessy clips on YouTube for the suffix ed and and past tense ed to support this learning. It's a bit retro and features Mr T to help reinforce the ed suffix for words like helped.
Well done to our super spellers
Tayla, Millie, Lyla, April, Amber, Charlie, Ava R, Alan, Ashanti, Olga, Jackson, Katelynn, William, Bailey...keep up the monster effort!
Converting Km to Miles...
and vice-versa!
Km——> Mi (/8 then X5)
Mi ——> Km (/5 then X8)
NSPCC Number Day
There were number badges as far as the eye could see today. Children designed and made badges as one of our Number Day activities. As well as learning a lot, we enjoyed a wide range of maths challenges and collected over £130 for the NSPCC. THANK YOU. If you forgot to make a donation you can…
Top Table - A Friday Tradition
Another Friday - Another enjoyable Top Table lunch in the company of last week's Star Award winners. Well Done!
Here we are playing Times Tables Snap. This game has brought out our competitive side!
Maths Games
We have been playing some maths games this morning in class, as part of NSPCC Number Day.