Eye of the tiger!
This week in brass the children have been learning and playing the famous Rocky theme tune.
Not All Fun & Games...
This week we have had a go at the Maths 2016 Sample Paper.
Please have a look at it with your child and put it into their revision folder.
Thank you as always.
Spellings for the week
Spellings to be tested Friday 16th February.
Love is in the air...
Today we have been writing poems about what love is to us. As well as creating some art work to go with it. Our work will be featured on our new display.
Highly Inspired Authors
Following our session with Ross Welford yesterday, we are embarking on our 500 Word Challenge...
Great amounts of concentration and focus!
I can’t wait to read them...
The Afternoon Went Swimmingly Well
This afternoon I accompanied Year 3 to Farnworth Baths. I was impressed with their behaviour on the bus and in the changing rooms. Their swimming wasn't too bad either! At the same time, ninety KEY Stage 2 children were listening to a talk by author Ros Welford at All Saints in Farnworth - he was…