This week I am challenging the children to create a tudor building based on their research about the Great Fire of London. The building will be used then in a 3D display in the classroom which will support the children's writing around this topic. This home based activity has been one of the childrens highlights of the topic from the past couple of years and we have had spectacular results. The building should be no larger than an oversized cereal box to ensure every building can be sited on the banks of the River Thames. If you are struggling for paint or glue etc Mrs Robinson and I will open our classroom for an hour (3.30-4.30) on Thursday 1st February and we will be able to give you access to some of our supplies (paint, glue etc) as we act as facilitators for this crafty challenge, you'll obviously just need to bring the box! This session is for your child and yourself and isn't in place of childcare as we want this to be a lovely shared experience for everyone.