Boys Who Lunch
It was an all male affair on the top table. (We DID have one Star Award winning girl last week but she wasn't in today). As always - a great way to end the week!
The Magic Door
One for the children - WHERE is this door and WHAT'S behind it?
Keeping us Safe in the Snow
Here's a shot of our Site Manager, Mr Williams, hard at work clearing the snow so that the school can open on time and safely. I'm sure THAT will make him very popular with the children!
Early Morning Snow
You can tell it's Spring by all the snow! Early morning snow showers at St Stephen's but don't worry - we're open for business as usual.....
World Book Day
Today we have been celebrating all things reading! We have completed a book scavenger hunt in the school library and completed a top 5s sheet which included things like our top 5 authors, illustrators and characters from books.
We ended the day with a game of pictionary. We all chose our…
Eco Team On-Line
Just because the bell goes at the end of the day it doesn't mean that the learning stops. As well as the Dance Club 'strutting their stuff' in the hall, the Computer Room was filled with members of the Eco Team researching which flowers to plant in the Eco Garden. This was at the end of a day in…
Wot - No Head Teacher Blog?
Chad apologises for the lack of a blog yesterday. It wasn't a case of nothing happening - just no time to write about all the stuff that was!
Typing It Up
We are typing up our stories ready to create a joint book to celebrate 'World Book Day'.