Would You Like Salad With That?
We're all about healthy eating at St Stephen's. In addition to a choice of nutritious meals at lunchtime children can visit the salad bar - to be expertly served by highly trained pupils!
I Counted Them All Out...........
....and I counted them all back again! For Year 5 it's been all about the bikes today - learning about safe cycling as part of the Bikeability training programme. 'Part Two' is next Tuesday.
Fraction Frenzy
The children have been working on equivalent fractions after a quick warm up using and applying the language associated with fractions and shape. The expectation for our class is that we can count forwards and backwards in halves and quarters, recognise quarters, thirds and halves of a shape, an…
Mixed up Stories
This week our homework is to write a twisted fairytale. We planned our tales last week and the challenge now is to use the plan to write a twisted fairytale.
The children have completed the Level 1 Bikeability course this morning and will be moving onto Level 2 this afternoon. They will be focusing on being safe on the roads.
Writing with All Saints
During World Book Day the children worked closely alongside All Saints Primary School to produce 'Quest' stories.
VERY Grown Up Words in Year 1!
Look at these very grown up words that Year 1 have been learning about! Why don't you ask us to explain what each one means!
Finally we had signs of Winter!
In Year 1 we have to learn about the seasons. We found out all about Autumn, but then when it came to Winter nothing really changed. Finally, today we got to go outside and look for signs of Winter. It was worth the wait!
Improving mathematical fluency
Keep working on your fluency. You are going to end up being the youngest cohort ever to get the bronze award for your maths fluency in rapid recall of multiplication facts. In the words of Nathan, " Bring on the heat!"
Our youngest ever maths fluency bronze award winner!
Well done you are now ready to take on the silver challenge.
Greek Myth Rehearsal
We are practising the play of 'Odysseus and the Cyclops', ready to perform to Year 5 later this afternoon.