Well Done!
This afternoon we had our second Eco Schools Green Flag assessment. The assessor was very impressed with the children's enthusiasm and knowledge of all things Eco. We are very pleased to say that we have been awarded our second 'green flag.' Thank you to everyone who has helped us in the huge…
The Morning After the Sponges Before
Mr Williams and I have just about recovered from our time in the wet sponge stocks at yesterday's Summer Fair. We were treated to approximately 300 wet sponges between us and the children were cheered on enthusiastically by the parents. THANK YOU for your support (I think!).
Problem Solving
We have been working together to solve some addition magic squares.
Top Table on a THURSDAY?
Because Reception and Year 6 will be beside the seaside tomorrow we moved Top Table to a Thursday so that none of our Star award winners missed out on this wonderful dining experienced. As ever - they were wonderful company.
St Stephen's in Bloom
Just in case you were in any doubt - St Stephen's is taking part in 'Kearsley in Bloom' this summer. Take the opportunity to stroll around the grounds and pop into the Eco Garden - it's well worth the effort.
I was on the playground this morning and lots of our Junior Gardeners were busy with…
Research + Observation + Drama= Frogspawn
The children demonstrated the ability to translate their scientific findings about the life cycle of a frog and recreate it through drama. This is our interpretation of the first stage of development as frogspawn!
Awe and Wonder in the Eco Garden
Today we explored the life cycle of a frog and explored it first hand in our Eco Garden identifying a female frog aged about 2 and some great tadpoles and froglets aged about 8 - 16 weeks of age.