Do you know what your children are doing online?
Parentzone is a free, online programme for parents and carers. it is funded by the Prevent Innovation Fund, Resilient Families is comprised of 3 short guided presentations with voice overs, hosted on the Year Two learning wall.
The programme covers:-
Your child's online world (what children…
A Butterfly Fluttered By
It's an unusual way to end the week but I was pleased to be invited down to the Eco Garden to witness the release of a captive butterfly into the wild. It took some persuading but it finally found a home amongst the willow.
It's Friday - It's Twelve Fifteen - It's Top table!
You get a better class of conversation on Top Table and this week was no exception. I was joined by last week's Star Award winners for fine dining and a choice of red or white. Cheers!
Year two sports event reminder
The children will be bringing home their PE kit today so they can come to school in it on Monday with their school jumper ready for our inter school sports event. Please remember to bring a water bottle and a coat for this event. If you haven't returned the consent form yet please do so ASAP so…
Eco garden awe and wonder...
One of our Governors spotted this during his spring clean of our Eco pond and shared it with the Year Two children!
This morning we have had a samba vibe in our music lesson. To warm up we sang Ai Caramba Samba. It would be a great song for the Rio Olympics!
Ofsted Report
Following our two day inspection in May the Ofsted Report is being sent to all parents today. The report recognises what we've always known - that St Stephen's is a very good school - and will be available to read on the Ofsted website from Wednesday 22nd June.