What are we doing this time?
I wonder what we are doing today, can you guess?
The children are learning how to programme using Scratch. See if they can tell you what a 'Sprite' is.
The Results are in...
Well done to everyone who tried their best in today's mega maths challenge, especially Kody, Libby, Charlie and Taleah who really rose to the challenge gaining full marks. An amazing 86% of the class achieved more than 3/4 of their challenge correct. Keep up the monster effort and perserverance…
Hot Wheels
Our Cycling Club takes place every Monday after school. John, the instructor, is pleased with the effort and concentration shown by all the pupils.
Ten more, ten less, 1 more , 1less
During todays maths challenge we applied our knowledge of place value to rapidly calculate the answers for this challenge, some of us used function machines whilst others perfected their understanding of number sentences.
We are Thankful for Cookies
The girls created magnetic polydron cookies and cookie jar to show how thankful they are.
A Time to be Thankful
As Harvest approaches we considered how lucky we are and thank The Lord for all that we have.
Map Work
We have been locating Egypt and surrounding countries using atlases and iPads today in our Topic session.
How many do you know?