Practice Makes Perfect
I've just been across to church with Year 6 so that the readers can practise before tomorrow morning's Harvest Thanksgiving Service. They are sounding pretty good - I hope you can join us at 9 o'clock. Don't forget - please send in tins, bottles or packets for our Harvest…
Punctuating Speech
This morning we have been punctuating dialogue using inverted commas, capital letters and commas. We needed to add our own reporting clause to the speech.
Dance Move Instructions
We are planning our dance move instructions ready for writing up next week. We'll have all the moves come the disco!
Bible Boxes
In R.E the children made Bible boxes - after having looked at the Bible. Inside they put ideas as to why the Bible is a Holy book for Christians.
Small World - Big Ideas
Learning through play is a key part of any child's education. Here at St Stephen's there are so many opportunities to develop skills, imagination and vocabulary during breaktimes and lunchtimes. Here some of our Key Stage 1 children are exporing one of the 'Small World' play areas.
Simple Circuits
We are recapping on our prior knowledge of simple circuits.
Rounding Game
We are playing a rounding game in our mental starter in Maths this morning- ask your child about the rounding rules.
Multiple of ten maths
Today we have explored what happens when you subtract any multiple of ten from a two digit number, some of us even rose to the challenge of exploring what happens when you subtract a multiple of ten from a 3 digit number. Help your child to improve this skill by using games from our learning wall…