SOME Mondays Aren't Too Bad!
If we've GOT to work on a Monday, good weather certainly helps. It's been a good start to the week - the children have worked hard and enjoyed our lovely playground areas during breaktimes. More of the same please for the rest of the week.....
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
This week we are looking at rhythm and rhyme. Today we had fun in the hall acting out the story We're Going on a Bear Hunt.
Watercolour Landscapes
Today in topic we incorporated our Art focus of painting. The children looked at landscape pictures taken in Grasmere and tried to recreate them using watercolours.
This morning we have been hunting for horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines.
Children in Need Ramble
We had children, we had parents (and grandparents), we had staff (and their partners), we had governors - above all we had FUN! The picture - expertly taken by MRS Lasan - shows the Sunday Walking Club about to set off for Blackleach Country Park in a sponsored ramble for Children in Need. If you…
Autumn Poetry
Earlier in the week, we went into the computing suite and, with our shoulder-partner, wrote a kennings poem about autumn. We think that our display looks wonderful!
Eco Team
We received a letter from Mrs. Bostock this morning inviting us to join the Eco Team. If we want to join we need to write a letter to her to explain why we want to join. Letters need to be handed in by Thursday 13th October.