The Cream has Risen to Top Table
Our seven STARS from last week dined with me on Top Table today and were great company. Cheers!
Spelling Success
Well done to Megan, Matthew, Blake, Ava, Charlie, Emily, Kody and a special mention to Jacob for a great improvement. Next spelling test will be held on the 21st ( Pirate Day)
Today in R.E we talked about God creating the world. We drew our own pictures to show the things he had created for us.
Let's Sort This Out!
Every now and then friends can fall out over a game at lunchtime - (That wasn't a goal,... it's MY didn't tig me....THAT sort of thing). Luckily, some of our Year 6 children have been trained in mediation skills so are on hand to sort out any minor disputes. Our 'Peer Pals' help to keep…
Roman Workshop
We have had a fantastic morning at our Roman Workshop. We learned all about Roman Soldiers and life in Rome.
Lindisfarne Gospels
In RE we looked at the Lindisfarne Gospels, which are illuminated manuscripts from medieval times. We made our own designs based on these.
Tea Party
The Princesses having fun in the mud kitchen making tea for the King and Queen.