Super sentence type super star
Isla was so inspired by our simile sentence type learning this week that she went home and created a super simile poem. Thank you Isla for continuing your Year 2 learning adventure at home.
Wellington boots
Today we talked about how and where we would wear our Wellington boots. We then enjoyed listening to the story about Peppa and her Golden Boots.
Here we are having our weekly Class Council meeting. I wonder what we will discuss today ...
Sentence Type Detectives
This morning we have been practicing the two new sentence types from this week. We wrote one sentence type on our board and found someone else in the class. We then guessed which sentence type the other member of the class had written.
Adjectives and Adverbs
This morning we have been practising the 'adverb from adjective' sentence type. To create this sentence we needed to describe a person and change the adjective to an adverb to describe an action.
Nets in Maths
We are using nets to build our own 3-D shapes in Maths this morning.
This week our phoneme is 'sh'. What different graphemes have we looked at this week?
Measuring in Year 1
Today we have continued to work on measuring. We had to use the cubes to measure lots of different things in our classrooms.
Sukkot Tabermacles
We made models of Sukkot Tabermacles in RE. Jewish people make these in their gardens to celebrate the Harvest.
IPads With Our Buddies
We are looking at different apps with our Reception Buddies.
Mega maths masters
Great success this week for our challengers, some of us are so close to moving onto our next challenge. Congratulations to one of our challengers who have graduated onto the multiplication challenge that runs across the whole school. Watch out Year 3 we're on our way!