Mega maths challenge
This is a great game for identifying multiples and requires accuracy under pressure. Can your child reach the illusive 100 points? Rapid recall of facts is an essential foundation stone for all children and this game accompanies our weekly Monday mega maths game beautifully, check it out on our…
Tudor House Project due in Thursday
Please could all 3d tudor constructions arrive in school by Thursday. Thank you in advance.
Construction Corner...
...where the only limitations are your imagination... and maybe the number of bricks!
Top Table - Top Guests
I love Fridays. We start with Celebration Assembly, I'm serenaded by the Year 4 Brass Group mid-morning, I dine in style at lunchtime before a great afternoon of Enrichment Activities to finish the week.
Spelling Success
Pictured above is our most improved speller. Full marks in this week's spelling test are awarded to ....Blake, Kody, Oliver, Ava, Emily, Charlie, Sienna, Alinah, Libby, Megan and Isla. Another improving speller is Anya. Everyone keep up the monster effort!
Spellings for 27.1.17
Remember that if your child is struggling to learn all the spellings please learn half of them and celebrate the words that your child gets correct based on the words they have been looking at. Every child in Year 2 is an individual and has their own strengths and areas of development. All…
Mega Maths Modeller
Amazing learning this morning based on finding the x multiple in a number sequence. Well done.
Grand Slam Maths
This week in Maths we have been focusing on mental strategies for addition and subtraction. Today, the children put it into practise playing games on the computer.