Kearsley Academy
This afternoon the children have listened to Mr Baxter (vice principal) at Kearsley Academy. The academy has lots of information on the website and an online virtual tour for you to watch. Hopefully this will assist you in your decisions for secondary school applications.
Introducing Flashback 4
Please use the link above to explore previous flashback 4 learning. As you can see from the first image it aims to continually build on previous knowledge and ensures that learning is not forgotten…
Leaf kebab anyone...?
Today the children kicked,crunched and threw all the lovely colourful leaves. They then made a leaf kebab with some of their favourite leaves. It was quite tricky to not tear the delicate leaves when threading them onto a stick....but they did it!!
Practical Maths
Today we've been using 'ten frames' to help us with some very tricky maths work. We've had to find the answers, find missing numbers and see how many different ways we could record our equations.
Spellings for the week ahead + to be tested Friday 23rd October.
Verb, person sentences
This morning we have been learning how to write a 'Verb, person' sentence.
Healthy Lifestyles
This afternoon we have had a visit from Mrs Mason. She talked to us about how we can live a healthy lifestyle including a healthy balanced diet, exercise and oral hygiene. The children listened and joined in with the discussions really well.
Healthy Lifestyles
This afternoon we are having a workshop about healthy lifestyles. Why don’t you ask me about it?
Introducing the purple polishing pencil...
Within Year 1 the children are beginning to use their purple polishing pencil to fix up any small mistakes or omissions. Half the class have now been trained already in the "way of the purple pencil". Right across school the children will be ble to polish their learning using this approach.…
Signs of autumnal awesomeness...
Our new headteacher, Mr Puckey and business manager, Mrs Horrobin have been so impressed by awesome autumnal artwork using precision paint application to improve our finer motor skill that 3 artworks are to be displayed around school in gallery style frames.