A snapshot of our classroom
So much learning is currently taking place in Year 1 and our room is getting more and more vibrant as the term goes on.
Remarkable readers
Tomorrow is the day we will change your child's reading book. Please help this run smoothly by asking your child to place it in our reading book box. The children are eligible for a ticket in to the grand remarkable readers prize draw if they have read 4 times throughout the week and that this is…
Extending our reading and phonic skills
I love Wednesdays because it's the day I get to hear all your lovely children. Whilst this is happening the children get to extend their phonic and reading skills through independent learning.
Phoneme spotters rocking the phoneme spectacles
What a fabulous sight...boys engaging in reading independently
This afternoon we were budding scientists and created a lunar landscape using flour and cocoa powder. We wanted to find out if the size of a meteor effected the size and shape of the crater.
Horrid Characters
This morning we have been creating our own characters for the Horrid Henry stories. We made sure our character names were alliterative, just like in the story.
Greater than & less than
As part of our Maths work we have been learning about greater than, less than and equal to. We have been using crocodiles to help us and thinking about which number the greedy crocodile would like to eat.