Life Cycles
Year 5 have been doing some group work this afternoon on life cycles of insects and amphibians. We have also been observing our caterpillars in class. They have grown a lot over the weekend!
Sunny Fractions
It was much too warm to stay inside today so we had our maths lesson in the Eco garden instead. We had to find as many examples of fractions in nature as we could.
A Special Delivery
Look what arrived in the post today. We had lots of fun looking at all of the different things Katie Morag sent us.
Practical Maths
Division is a bit tricky to understand, but we have been working really hard to share things into different groups.
Theoretical Applications of Knowledge
Today we combined our knowledge of dinosaurs, habitats, food chains, climate and plants to theorise why the dinosaurs became extinct. We had to create a poster presentation and present it to the class.
A great way to inspire your children next weekend ...
This sounds like a great event with lots of fab activities for the children including meeting authors. There is something for everyone and it's free entry.
Leavers' Celebration at Manchester Cathedral
Spent a great day with Year 6 today - Manchester Cathedral in the morning, lunch 'al fresco' and a visit to the National Football Museum in the afternoon. The children represented the school impeccably - well done!
Banana, Banana
Showing that our families are one in a minion through art and our own interpretation of instructions