Live Lesson
This afternoon we are taking part in a BBC live lesson to help us gather ideas to write our own 500 word story.
We are being RE detectives this afternoon using a set of clues to find a biblical character.
London and Digital Literacy
The children loved researching London landmarks and using their digital literacy skills to share it
Spellings & Homework
Spellings and English homework were sent home on Friday. To be tested and returned this Friday.
We have been stretching and balancing this morning in P.E.
Year 5 are working hard on their non-chronological reports as part of our 'Reading Vipers' topic.
We have begun our week by learning about fractions. We are using egg cartons to see which fractions we can make with cubes.
Fund Raising for Charity
Last term, St Stephen's children and parents responded very generously to our charity appeals for the Farnworth Foodbank (Harvest Gifts) and our KEY 103 Christmas Appeal. In addition, earlier this week a certificate arrived to thank St Stephen's School for raising over £600 for Children in Need…
Here is our new spelling list. Our test will be next Friday.
Story Telling With Instruments
We are using instruments to represent characters in our stories having studied Peter and the Wolf.
See our Twitter account for some snapshot videos of our performances.
No Room at the Top (Table)
EIGHT guests on Top Table this week meant no room for me! I was happy to be wine waiter to our Star Award winner because I still got a lunch and it was delicious.