Eco Club - Birdhouse Builders!
When I nod my head - you hit it! Mr Williams, our Site Manager and a member of the ECO Team, supervises the building of a birdhouse during tonight's meeting.
Eco Club Feed the Birds
Eco Club had their first meeting of the Spring Term today. One of the activities was making 'fat balls' (a tasty combination of lard and bird seed) to feed the birds through the cold winter months. Messy but great fun!
Our new Topic Books
We've had lots of fun looking at our new Topic books from the library. Why don't you ask us about them.
As part of our English focus for the next couple of weeks we are looking at recounts. Towards the end of this week we will be making collages in the style of a scrapbook for a class book. The children will be recounting something they didn't like or were scared of when they were little.
If they…
Rain Stops Play
The final whistle blew early on the football yard at lunchtime. We've had rain and hail today - keep an eye on the weather forecast because there's SNOW in them there clouds!
Today in topic the children have been investigating the effects of gravity. Will the marble go further the higher the ramp? Why?
This morning we have found out how to add special effects to a Photo Story which we have created about ourselves.
Predicting and Measuring
Today we have had to predict how heavy some everyday objects are and then we used the scales to weigh them.
Enrichment Activities Start Friday!
After assembly this morning, all Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children chose an activity for Friday afternoon's Enrichment Session (2-3pm). The activities will run until half-term and will give everyone the chance to work with children from other classes whilst learning a new skill. Ask your child…
We have a visitor this morning in Computing. We are developing our coding skills using the program Scratch.
We are recapping co-ordinates with a game of Battleships in mMaths this morning.