Learning About Length
The children tried really hard to accurately measure the length of lines in this challenge using mm and cm. it was really tricky!
Brilliant Behaviour
This week’s winners! (Plus Mr Williams whose behaved too- keeping our school open.)
World Book Day - Year 4
Verruca and Mary worked particularly hard in Year 4 today.
World Book Day
The children looked fantastic today - thank you for all your support for World Book Day. The STAFF looked pretty good too!
World Book Day
Look at all of our fantastic costumes for World Book Day.
Block Graph of Costumes
In Year 1 we worked as a class to make a block graph to show the range of costumes we have for World Book Day. We also talked about what the graph shows us. After play we went on the computers to make our own graph.
World Book Day
The children look absolutely wonderful! Thank-you for helping to make their even more special. We really do appreciate your continued support.