Parents Evening - Part Two
It was good to see so many of you at last night's Parents' Evening.Tonight, we're doing it all again.Thank you for your great support.
Parents' Evening - Part One
Support from parents plays a major part in the success of the school. Looking forward to seeing you at tonight's Parents' Evening.
Six of the Best!
Yesterday, six of our Year 5&6 girls reresented the school in a Six-a-Side football tournament at Kearsley Academy. They lost both games (narrowly) but showed great sportsmanship and skill. They made us proud - well done girls!
Winter Gardening
Even though the weather's been cold and snowy we've still been growing salad and veg in the poly tunnel for use in the school kitchen. A delicious accompliment to our school dinners.
Greek Actors
Our practise of the Greek myth - Odysseus and the Cyclops - is underway. Videos of the final performance to be found on Twitter (@ststyear6) later this afternoon.
Our collaborative DT project from the Ancient Greeks Workshop.
Getting ready for the weekend...
Having a wonderful time getting crafty.
The Easter Story
We are sequencing the Easter story this morning in RE.
Ancient Greek Workshop
We have stared by sharing the knowledge we have already gained with Mr North.